Our first assignment is a pantomime shot in which the main character experiences two different emotions (and acts accordingly, of course). Here's what I've come up with so far:
Week 1, Planning:

Week 2, Blocking Pass:
I know, I keep telling it over and over, but the break I took was great and definetely the right decision. I can see now that all the animation principles and teachings of my previous mentors had time to sink in. At Animation Mentor they fill you up with information and knowledge (and motivation!) right until you can't take nothing more. Well, at least that was sort of my experience.
But during my break in which I didn't care to read too much about animation or did any studies on the subject (except for the usual forum zapping) everything sunk in just nicely. Now as I did the blocking I was thinking about a lot more things then I did before. "Oohh, don't forget to add that overlap! Ah, where's that arc going?!" and so on. Lots of things that I would spend time on fixing/polishing later on in the process I sort of naturally include in the early stages. Now that's a welcome progress!
Ok, I'm back to watching the video lecture now, new animation weeks starts in five minutes.
have a good week, cheers